
IX.9.c Pompeii. Casa del Porcellino or Casa di Sulpicius Rufus.

Linked to IX.9.b. Excavated 1880 and 1887.


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IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Looking east along north portico and across garden area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Looking east along north portico and across garden area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. October 2023. 
Detail of columns on north portico of garden area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.

IX.9.c Pompeii. October 2023.

Detail of columns on north portico of garden area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway to cubiculum on north wall of north portico. According to NdS, the cubiculum was lit by the window on the south side of its entrance doorway, and another circular one high on the east wall. The decoration of this room was notable, the lower plinth (zoccolo) was completely black, the centre was red, and the top of the walls were white. The walls were decorated on a red background, but on the north wall the decoration was completely destroyed. In each of the central panels of the east and west wall there was a painting.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1889, p.127.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway to cubiculum on north wall of north portico.

According to NdS, the cubiculum was lit by the window on the south side of its entrance doorway, and another circular one high on the east wall.

The decoration of this room was notable, the lower plinth (zoccolo) was completely black, the centre was red, and the top of the walls were white.

The walls were decorated on a red background, but on the north wall the decoration was completely destroyed.

In each of the central panels of the east and west wall there was a painting.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1889, p.127.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. West wall of cubiculum. According to NdS, the painting on the west wall was of better preserved and better executed than the one on the east wall.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1889, p.127

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. West wall of cubiculum.

According to NdS, the painting on the west wall was better preserved and better executed than the one on the east wall.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1889, p.127


IX.9.c Pompeii. c. early 1900’s. Painting by Pierre Gusman of west wall of cubiculum, described as variety of III Style.
See Gusman P., 1924. La Décoration Murale de Pompei. Paris : Morancé, pl. XV.

IX.9.c Pompeii. c. early 1900’s.

Painting by Pierre Gusman of west wall of cubiculum, described as variety of III Style.

See Gusman P., 1924. La Décoration Murale de Pompei. Paris : Morancé, pl. XV.


IX.9.c Pompeii. c. 1900. Drawing/Painting by Pierre Gusman of west wall of cubiculum. 
Gusman describes it as Decoration: Third style, Black Dado; Red Panels; White, Red and Black Frieze.
See Gusman P., 1900. Pompeii: The City, Its Life & Art. London: Heinemann, p. 325.

IX.9.c Pompeii. c. 1900. Drawing/Painting by Pierre Gusman of west wall of cubiculum.

Gusman describes it as Decoration: Third style, Black Dado; Red Panels; White, Red and Black Frieze.

See Gusman P., 1900. Pompeii: The City, Its Life & Art. London: Heinemann, p. 325.


IX.9.c Pompeii. Pre-1896. Painting by Niccolini showing west wall of cubiculum.
See Niccolini F, 1896. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Quarto. Napoli. Nuovi Scavi, described on p.37, Tav. IV.

IX.9.c Pompeii. Pre-1896. Painting by Niccolini showing west wall of cubiculum.

See Niccolini F, 1896. Le case ed i monumenti di Pompei: Volume Quarto. Napoli. Nuovi Scavi, described on p.37, Tav. IV.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painted panel of cupid on a chariot being pulled by swans, from upper centre of west wall of cubiculum.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painted panel of cupid on a chariot being pulled by swans, from upper centre of west wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Upper centre of west wall, painting of cupids in a chariot pulled by swans.

IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Upper centre of west wall, painting of cupids in a chariot pulled by swans. 


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Cubiculum. West wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. West wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Centre of west wall of room in north-west corner of the peristyle.

IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Centre of west wall of room in north-west corner of the peristyle.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Cubiculum.  West wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Semi-circular panel from south end of west wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Wall painting in centre of west wall of cubiculum.
According to Peters, this painting was of a boy sitting with his back turned towards the spectator.
He wore a wreath around his head and carried a bulla in his right hand.
He was surrounded by three very large dogs.
See Peters, W.J.T. (1963): Landscape in Romano-Campanian Mural Paintings. The Netherlands, Van Gorcum & Comp. (p.108 & fig.93)

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Wall painting in centre of west wall of cubiculum.

According to Peters, this painting was of a boy sitting with his back turned towards the spectator.

He wore a wreath around his head and carried a bulla in his right hand.

He was surrounded by three very large dogs.

See Peters, W.J.T. (1963): Landscape in Romano-Campanian Mural Paintings. The Netherlands, Van Gorcum & Comp. (p.108 & fig.93)


IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Room in north-west corner of the peristyle. Wall painting of hunter sitting with dogs.

IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Room in north-west corner of the peristyle. Wall painting of hunter sitting with dogs.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Semi-circular panel from north end of west wall of cubiculum.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Semi-circular panel from north end of west wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Cubiculum.  North wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. North wall of cubiculum. 


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. 
Looking towards east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023.

Looking towards east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum.  According to NdS, the frieze with a white background was very prettily painted with elegant vine stems. In the centre, on a red background (0.16 high x 0.32 wide) was a painting of a cupid in a chariot pulled by swans. On the west wall the cupid was standing in the chariot guiding the swans. In this picture on the east wall, the cupid had fallen from the chariot.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum. 

According to NdS, the frieze with a white background was very prettily painted with elegant vine stems.

In the centre, on a red background (0.16 high x 0.32 wide) was a painting of a cupid in a chariot pulled by swans.

On the west wall the cupid was standing in the chariot guiding the swans.

In this picture on the east wall, the cupid had fallen from the chariot.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. North end of upper east wall of cubiculum.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. North end of upper east wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum. Painted plants and mask.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum. Painted plants and mask.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. 
Upper and centre of east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023.

Upper and centre of east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Upper centre of east wall of cubiculum and circular window. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Upper centre of east wall of cubiculum and circular window. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. 
Detail of painted panel showing cupid fallen from chariot from upper centre of east wall. 
Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023.

Detail of painted panel showing cupid fallen from chariot from upper centre of east wall.

Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum. Wall painting of cupid falling from the chariot pulled by swans.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper centre of east wall of cubiculum. Wall painting of cupid falling from the chariot pulled by swans.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009. Cubiculum.  Upper east wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum at south end.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum at north end.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper east wall of cubiculum at south end.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. East wall of cubiculum.  According to NdS, in the central panel of the east wall was a painting (0.42 high x 0.41 wide) which showed a winged Nike and trophaion. In the side panels were lunettes on a black background showing animals with their young. The lower plinth or dado (zoccolo) was black.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1889, p.127.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. East wall of cubiculum. 

According to NdS, in the central panel of the east wall was a painting (0.42 high x 0.41 wide) which showed a winged Nike and trophaion.

In the side panels were lunettes on a black background showing animals with their young.

The lower plinth or dado (zoccolo) was black.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1889, p.127.


IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. East wall of cubiculum with wall painting of Nike and a trophaion.

IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. East wall of cubiculum with wall painting of Nike and a trophaeon.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. 
Central wall painting of Nike and a trophaeon from east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023.

Central wall painting of Nike and a trophaeon from east wall of cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Centre of east wall of cubiculum.Wall painting of the winged goddess Nike (on left) and a tropaion, a monument set up to commemorate a victory over one's foes. Typically this took the shape of a tree, sometimes with a pair of arm-like branches (or, in later times, a pair of stakes set crosswise) upon which is hung the armour of a defeated and dead foe.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Centre of east wall of cubiculum.

Wall painting of the winged goddess Nike (on left) and a trophaeon, a monument set up to commemorate a victory over one's foes.

Typically, this took the shape of a tree, sometimes with a pair of arm-like branches (or, in later times, a pair of stakes set crosswise) upon which is hung the armour of a defeated and dead foe.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painting from east wall of cubiculum, north end. Semi-circular painted panel with animals inside.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painting from east wall of cubiculum, north end. Semi-circular painted panel with animals inside.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painted panel from east wall of cubiculum.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painted panel from centre of lower east wall of cubiculum. 


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painting from east wall of cubiculum, south end. Semi-circular painted panel with animals inside.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Painting from east wall of cubiculum, south end. Semi-circular painted panel with animals inside.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. South-east corner of cubiculum and window in south wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. South-east corner of cubiculum and window in south wall.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Cubiculum. Upper south wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Upper south wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Upper south wall of cubiculum with painted wall plaster with birds and a mask.

IX.9.c Pompeii. December 2005. Detail of upper south wall of cubiculum with painted wall plaster with birds and a mask.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Detail from upper south wall of cubiculum at east end.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Detail from upper south wall of cubiculum at east end. 


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Cubiculum.  Upper South wall

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Detail from upper south wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009. Cubiculum.  Lower south wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Lower south wall of cubiculum.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Looking east along the North Portico.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Looking east along the north portico.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Looking east across peristyle garden towards doorway into kitchen. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2023. Looking east across peristyle garden towards doorway into kitchen. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Looking across the peristyle.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Looking across the peristyle.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009. Looking across the peristyle, which was enclosed by a Portico on four sides, and a low wall.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Looking across the peristyle, which was enclosed by a portico on four sides, and a low wall.


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  North east corner of Portico.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. North-east corner of portico.


IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Small room or cupboard, next to north portico. According to NdS, on the north side of the kitchen was a small space with topsoil, no doubt for growing flowers or vegetables.
See Notizie degli Scavi, 1889, p.130

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Small room or cupboard, next to north portico.

According to NdS, on the north side of the kitchen was a small space with topsoil, no doubt for growing flowers or vegetables.

See Notizie degli Scavi di Antichità, 1889, p.130


IX.9.c Pompeii.  March 2009.  Looking south west across Peristyle.

IX.9.c Pompeii. March 2009. Looking south-west across peristyle.


IX.9.c Pompeii. 1957. Looking south-west across peristyle. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

IX.9.c Pompeii. 1957. Looking south-west across peristyle. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.




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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 10-Jun-2024 22:58