
VIII.7.20 Pompeii. Teatro Grande, ingresso. Passaggio graffito.

Large Theatre, entrance. Graffito passage. Also see VIII.7.21 for other photos.


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Plan


This entrance also provided access to the two rear entrances to the Little Theatre or Odeon.

For more details of the Large Theatre:

See Mau, A., 1907, translated by Kelsey F. W. Pompeii: Its Life and Art. New York: Macmillan, pp. 141-152.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii, August 2021. Looking south-west on west side of Via Stabiana, with entrance doorway, centre right.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii, August 2021. Looking south-west on west side of Via Stabiana, with entrance doorway, centre right.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii, 1968. Looking west to Theatre exterior wall on Via Stabiana, on south side of entrance doorway. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii, 1968.

Looking west to Theatre exterior wall on Via Stabiana, on south side of entrance doorway. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.

Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.



VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. 
Masonry pilaster on north side of doorway. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024.

Masonry pilaster on north side of doorway. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Masonry pilaster on north side of doorway.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Masonry pilaster on north side of doorway.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance to Large Theatre. The passage also has the rear entrances to the Little Theatre or Odeon.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. May 2005. Entrance to Large Theatre.

The passage also has the rear entrances to the Little Theatre or Odeon.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Doorway threshold from Via Stabiana.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Doorway threshold from Via Stabiana.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. 
Looking west along entrance corridor. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024.

Looking west along entrance corridor. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking west along entrance corridor.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking west along entrance corridor.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking west along entrance passage or passage with graffiti.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. August 2021. Looking west along entrance passage or passage with graffiti.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking west along entrance passage or passage with graffiti.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2015. Looking west along entrance passage or passage with graffiti.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Entrance passage or Graffito passage.
Passage looking west towards large theatre, Little Theatre or Odeon to left of image.
Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

According to Gell, this passage was known as “the great passage” – “This passage is full of inscriptions, scratched with nails and knives by people waiting for admittance. Amongst them is an  
These were, of course, not always regulated by the strictest rules of propriety. They are very faint, and every day become less visible.
See Gell, W. and Gandy, J., 1852.  Pompeiana: Third Edition.  London: Bohn. (p.183)

This passage is often called the "Graffito Passage" because of many graffiti found on the walls.
Fiorelli quoted 3 of the most complete as being the following -
the first was written in one single line on the south side of the corridor in the theatre complex: 
    Methe Cominiaes(!) atellana amat Chrestum corde [si]t utreisque Venus Pompeiana propitia et sem[per] concordes veivant    [CIL IV 2457]
    Varone translates this as “Methe of Atella, slave of Cominia, loves Chrestus. May Venus of Pompeii smile favourably on their hearts and let them always live in harmony”.
    See Varone, A., 2002. Erotica Pompeiana: Love Inscriptions on the Walls of Pompeii, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider. p.164.
the second was 
    A(nte) d(iem) VI Novembres praebuit Surus Petilius ornamenta / M(arco) [Faust]o Siloni honoris causa Suri liberti     [CIL IV 2455]
the third which he says in 1875 “was recently taken to Naples Museum” was
    A(nte) d(iem) XI K(alendas) Decembr(es) a(ssibus) XV 
    Epap(h)ra Acutus Auctus 
    ad locum duxserunt(!) 
    mulierem Tychen pretium
    in singulos a(ssibus) V f(uit?)
    M(arco) Messalla L(ucio) Lentulo co(n)s(ulibus)     [CIL IV 2450]
See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. p.133 [354]

Varone translated an inscription on the north wall of the corridor as:
    I’m hurrying to you! Hello, my Sava. Try and love me.
    Propero vale mea sava / fac me ames    [CIL IV 2414]
See Varone, A., 2002. Erotica Pompeiana: Love Inscriptions on the Walls of Pompeii, Rome: L’erma di Bretschneider. p. 40.

There were many more inscriptions, in all summed up by one quoted by Fiorelli:
    RVi NA 

    Admiror paries / te non cecedis(s)e / ruina    [CIL IV 2461]
See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. p.134 [356].

Jacobelli translated this as, 
    “It is a wonder O wall that you haven’t collapsed under the weight of such nonsense”.
    See Jacobelli, L., 2003. Gladiators at Pompeii. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.  p. 41.
Similar inscriptions were also found on two other walls, CIL IV 2487 from the ampitheatre, and CIL IV 1904 from the Basilica.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Entrance passage or Graffito passage.

Passage looking west towards Large theatre, Little Theatre or Odeon to left of image.

Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


According to Gell, this passage was known as “the great passage” –

“This passage is full of inscriptions, scratched with nails and knives by people waiting for admittance.

Amongst them is an See Gell, W. and Gandy, J., 1852. Pompeiana: Third Edition. London: Bohn. (p.183)

These were, of course, not always regulated by the strictest rules of propriety.

They are very faint, and every day become less visible.

See Gell, W. and Gandy, J., 1852. Pompeiana: Third Edition. London: Bohn. (p.183)


This passage is often called the "Graffito Passage" because of many graffiti found on the walls.

Fiorelli quoted 3 of the most complete as being the following -


the first was written in one single line on the south side of the corridor in the theatre complex:

    Methe Cominiaes(!) atellana amat Chrestum corde [si]t utreisque Venus Pompeiana propitia et sem[per] concordes veivant    [CIL IV 2457]

    Varone translates this as “Methe of Atella, slave of Cominia, loves Chrestus. May Venus of Pompeii smile favourably on their hearts and let them always live in harmony”.

See Varone, A., 2002. Erotica Pompeiana: Love Inscriptions on the Walls of Pompeii, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. p.164.


the second was

    A(nte) d(iem) VI Novembres praebuit Surus Petilius ornamenta / M(arco) [Faust]o Siloni honoris causa Suri liberti     [CIL IV 2455]


the third which he says in 1875 “was recently taken to Naples Museum” was

    A(nte) d(iem) XI K(alendas) Decembr(es) a(ssibus) XV

    Epap(h)ra Acutus Auctus

    ad locum duxserunt(!)

    mulierem Tychen pretium

    in singulos a(ssibus) V f(uit?)

    M(arco) Messalla L(ucio) Lentulo co(n)s(ulibus)     [CIL IV 2450]


See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. p.133 [354]


Varone translated an inscription on the north wall of the corridor as:

    I’m hurrying to you! Hello, my Sava. Try and love me.

    Propero vale mea sava / fac me ames    [CIL IV 2414]

See Varone, A., 2002. Erotica Pompeiana: Love Inscriptions on the Walls of Pompeii, Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider. p. 40.


There were many more inscriptions, in all summed up by one quoted by Fiorelli:


    RVi NA



    Admiror paries / te non cecedis(s)e / ruina    [CIL IV 2461]

See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. p.134 [356].


Jacobelli translated this as,

    “It is a wonder O wall that you haven’t collapsed under the weight of such nonsense”.

See Jacobelli, L., 2003. Gladiators at Pompeii. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider.  p. 41.

Similar inscriptions were also found on two other walls, CIL IV 2487 from the amphitheatre, and CIL IV 1904 from the Basilica.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. Graffiti seen in the passage of the Theatre, and also scratched into the Theatre walls.
Lower right, wordings from the tomb of Calventio Quieto, and not the Theatre.
See Gell, W. Pompeii unpublished [Dessins de l'édition de 1832 donnant le résultat des fouilles post 1819 (?)] vol II, pl. 94 verso.
Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet, Identifiant numérique Num MS180 (2).
See book in INHA Use Etalab Licence Ouverte

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. Graffiti seen in the passage of the Theatre, and also scratched into the Theatre walls.

Lower right, wordings from the tomb of Calventio Quieto, and not the Theatre.

See Gell, W. Pompeii unpublished [Dessins de l'édition de 1832 donnant le résultat des fouilles post 1819 (?)] vol II, pl. 94 verso.

Bibliothèque de l'Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, collections Jacques Doucet, Identifiant numérique Num MS180 (2).

See book in INHA Use Etalab Licence Ouverte


The Epigraphic Database Roma records these inscriptions as being from VIII.7.20 -


λέ̣ξανδRος      [CIL IV 2432]


See W. Gell, Pompeiana: the topography, edifices and ornaments of Pompeii, the result of excavations since 1819, London 1832, vol. I, p. 30 (2)



Faustus      [CIL IV 2442]


M(arcus) Aquis Faustus   [CIL IV 2419]


C(aius) Alleius Astraga[l]us / curator / fuit IV Non(as) Dec(embres) us<q=C>(u)e ad / VI Eid(us) Dec(embres) M(arco) Agrip(pa) T(ito) Stat(ilio) co(n)s(ulibus) / Ce[3]ria C(ai) Iuli Heleni turma / C(ai) Iuli Hilari     [CIL IV 2437]


Dasius      [CIL IV 2439]


[---?] A̲urelius   [CIL IV 2423]


C(aius) Ovi̲us   [CIL IV 2428]


Faustus FO+[+5?+]A̲N̲ṆVṢ    [CIL IV 2429]


O(---?) Mucius   [CIL IV 2431]


C(aius) Ovius   [CIL IV 2434]


̲i̲ :vacat C
:vacat C XXV C
̲a̲l̲e̲r̲ :vacat XXV XXV
̲e̲c̲[u̲]n̲ :vacat LXXV LXXV
̲m̲o̲n̲ :vacat L :vacat XXV
̲i̲t̲i̲o̲ :vacat [- - -]
:vacat L̲X̲ [- - -]
:vacat [- - -]
:vacat [- - -]
̲to :vacat L̲ [- - -] L̲ [- - -]      [CIL IV 2426]


a(nte) d(iem) XI K(alendas) Dec(embres) Geryones
trimembres aerus senos
comperendinaruntv       [CIL IV 2440]


Faustus tr()      [CIL IV 2444]



And on a Great Tomb –

Calventio quieto….. (see Tomb at HGW20)


See also Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de)


South wall of passageway


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall at east, Via Stabiana end of passage. Start of sequence of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall at east, Via Stabiana end of passage.

Start of sequence of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall.

Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work. End of sequence at west, theatre end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. South wall. Sequence moving east - west of remaining fresco work.

End of sequence at west, theatre end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. Looking east along the south wall. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. Looking east along the south wall. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018. Looking east along the south wall. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018. Looking east along the south wall. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. Looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. November 2024. Looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018. 
Looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018.

Looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VIII.7.21 Pompeii, on left, and VIII.7.20, in centre. December 2018. 
Looking east from entrance corridors towards Reg. 1, insula 3. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VIII.7.21 Pompeii, on left, and VIII.7.20, in centre. December 2018.

Looking east from entrance corridors towards Reg. 1, insula 3. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VIII.7.21 Pompeii (on left) and VIII.7.20 (centre). June 1962. 
Looking east from entrance corridors towards Reg. 1, insula 3. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VIII.7.21 Pompeii (on left) and VIII.7.20 (centre). June 1962.

Looking east from entrance corridors towards Reg. 1, insula 3. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018. 
Graffito passage. Passage looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. December 2018.

Graffito passage. Passage looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. Passage looking east towards Via Stabiana. Little Theatre rear entrances are to the right. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. Passage looking east towards Via Stabiana.

Little Theatre rear entrances are to the right. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. 1978. Passageway looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Roberta Falanelli.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. 1978. Passageway looking east towards Via Stabiana. Photo courtesy of Roberta Falanelli.


North wall of passageway


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Start of sequence of the remaining fresco work at west, theatre end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work.

Start of sequence of the remaining fresco work at west, theatre end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work.  Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. October 2011. Graffito passage. North wall. Detail of graffito of two figures on wall. Photo courtesy of Daniel Genot.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. October 2011. Graffito passage. North wall.

Detail of graffito of two figures on wall. Photo courtesy of Daniel Genot.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. October 2011. Graffito passage. North wall. Detail of graffito on wall. Photo courtesy of Daniel Genot.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. October 2011. Graffito passage. North wall.

Detail of graffito on wall. Photo courtesy of Daniel Genot.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall.

Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work. End of sequence at east, Via Stabiana end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.20 Pompeii. September 2010. Graffito passage. North wall. Sequence moving west - east of remaining fresco work.

End of sequence at east, Via Stabiana end of passage. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.



Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Plan




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 27-Dec-2024 21:19