Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Tomb of Publius Flavius Philoxsenus and Flavia Agathea.
In the corridor about 1.3m from the door the skeleton of a man was found, together with that of a dog, buried by the collapse of the vault.
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Porta Nocera Tomb 7OS. Looking south.
Photographed 1970-79 by Günther Einhorn, picture courtesy of his son Ralf Einhorn.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. 1964. Tomb 7OS. Looking south. Photo by Stanley A. Jashemski.
Source: The Wilhelmina and Stanley A. Jashemski archive in the University of Maryland Library, Special Collections (See collection page) and made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License v.4. See Licence and use details.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. October 2024.
Tomb 7OS. Looking south towards central doorway, and busts and plaques with inscriptions.
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Porta Nocera. October 2024.
Tomb 7OS. Looking south towards west side, with busts, plaques with inscriptions and niches.
Photo courtesy of
Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Busts and plaques with inscriptions.
Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Marble plaque with inscription.
FLAVIVS P(ubli) L(ibertus)
FLAVIA P(ubli) L(iberta) AGAT(h)E(a)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Bust and marble plaque with inscription.
P(ublius) FLAVIVS
L(ibertus) PHILOXEN(us)
FLAVIA P(ubli)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. 2017/2018/2019. Tomb 7OS. Busts and plaques with inscriptions. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Bust of a woman with inscription on base.
FLAVIA P(ubli)
Flavia Agathea was “from the saline area”.
Saliniensis would seem to refer to the stretch of coast between Torre Annunziata and Castellamare.
Porta Nocera. 2017/2018/2019.
Tomb 7OS,
looking south towards central entrance corridor. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. October 2024.
Tomb 7OS, looking south through central
entrance corridor. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Front facade with many niches and a central entrance corridor.
At the sides of the door the wall has six niches, three per side, but the markers conserved in situ at the time of the excavation were only in only in the western niches.
In the first niche on the right of the door at the time of excavation was a marble columella with the inscription -
VIX(it) ANN(is)
See D’Ambrosio,
A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e
documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. March 2024. Tomb 7OS. Cippus of Spiron.
On display in exhibition “L’altra Pompei, vite comuni all’ombra del
courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Large niche on east wall of room on east of entrance corridor.
There are two identical rooms on each side of the corridor.
On the floor of this room were found the skeletons of three dogs.
Also found was a fragment of a marble tablet decorated with
a relief of a male figure seated on a stool in the act of handing a scroll to a child.
The relevance of this to the tomb is unknown.
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. East wall niche in room on east of entrance corridor.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Smaller niche on north wall in room on east of entrance corridor.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Shelf on south wall in room on east of entrance corridor.
In the tomb arch on the north wall was found a broken cinerary urn.
In the tomb arch on the west side were three cinerary urns.
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Shelf on south wall.
Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS.
South-west corner of room on west side of entrance corridor.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Room on west side of entrance corridor. Niche on west wall.
In the tomb arch on the west side were three cinerary urns.
The central one was inscribed in carbon, in Greek, AGATHEA FLAVIA.
On the urn on the left was written in Latin ACASTUS.
On the urn on the left was a inscription that had vanished apart from an A.
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. North-west corner of room on west side of entrance corridor.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Room on west side of entrance corridor. Niche on north wall.
In the room on the west side in the tomb arch on the north wall was found a broken cinerary urn inscribed in charcoal FLAVIO / PHILOXENI (sic!).
See D’Ambrosio, A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Upper vaulted north wall with small window.
Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS.
Looking east along rear south wall with corridor in centre, towards Tomb 5OS.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Looking east towards Tombs 3OS and 5OS from Tomb 7OS.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2006. Tomb 7OS. Looking west along rear south wall towards wall of Tomb 9OS.
Pompeii Porta Nocera. May 2010. Tomb 7OS. Looking north from west side of tomb towards Via delle Tombe.
At the time of the eruption the tomb must have been abandoned for some
time, cluttered with a layer of debris and without the closing door.
In front of the east side of the façade and of the connecting wall with the
tomb 9OS, fourteen columellae, mostly of lava, were found, buried in the layer
of debris and covered by it. In front of five of the columellae funerary urns
were found.
See D’Ambrosio,
A. and De Caro, S., 1983. Un Impegno per Pompei: Fotopiano e
documentazione della Necropoli di Porta Nocera. Milano: Touring Club Italiano. (7OS)