
VIII.7.6 Pompeii. House. Linked to VIII.7.5.

Excavated 1764, 1873, 1906 and 2005 to 2010.


Part 2      Part 1


The Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia (PARP:PS) has been excavating VIII.7.1 to 15 since 2005.

For more detail see their annual research reports at http://www.fastionline.org/micro_view.php?itemkey=fst_cd&fst_cd=AIAC_356.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Rear area portico looking north. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
According to Mau –
“That which I call the peristyle was a room decorated up to the height of 1.75 with black compartments surrounded by red stripes, enclosed between two white lines, and open to the garden area, which flanks a part of the eastern side, while further to the south the rooms extend up to the garden area itself.
The roof, which lowered down towards the garden area, was supported by four brick columns, covered with black plaster in the lower part, the rest being white, and joined at the rear by a low wall.
On the north wall there is the painting of the Lares, and near to it a small niche, in the south-east corner were the first steps of a staircase whose upper part was of wood.”
See Mau in BdI, 1875, (p.164).
(Quello che dissi peristilio era un vano decorato fino all’altezza di 1.75 di scompartimenti neri contornati da striscie rosse, inchiuse fra due linee bianche, ed aperto sul viridario, di cui fiancheggia una parte del lato orientale, mentre piu verso S le camere si stendono fino al viridario stesso.
Il tetto, che verso il varidario s’abbassava, era sorretto da quattro colonne di mattoni, coperti d’intonaco nero nella parte inferiore, del resto bianco, e congiunte posteriormente mediante un basso muricciuolo.  Sul muro N havvi la pittura de’Lari, e presso ad essa una piccola nicchia, nell’angolo SE i primi grdini d’una scala la cui parte superiore era di legno.)

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Rear area portico looking north. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

According to Mau –

“That which I call the peristyle was a room decorated up to the height of 1.75 with black compartments surrounded by red stripes, enclosed between two white lines, and open to the garden area, which flanks a part of the eastern side, while further to the south the rooms extend up to the garden area itself.

The roof, which lowered down towards the garden area, was supported by four brick columns, covered with black plaster in the lower part, the rest being white, and joined at the rear by a low wall.

On the north wall there is the painting of the Lares, and near to it a small niche, in the south-east corner were the first steps of a staircase whose upper part was of wood.”

See Mau in BdI, 1875, (p.164).

(Quello che dissi peristilio era un vano decorato fino all’altezza di 1.75 di scompartimenti neri contornati da striscie rosse, inchiuse fra due linee bianche, ed aperto sul viridario, di cui fiancheggia una parte del lato orientale, mentre più verso S le camere si stendono fino al viridario stesso.

Il tetto, che verso il viridario s’abbassava, era sorretto da quattro colonne di mattoni, coperti d’intonaco nero nella parte inferiore, del resto bianco, e congiunte posteriormente mediante un basso muricciuolo.  Sul muro N havvi la pittura de’ Lari, e presso ad essa una piccola nicchia, nell’angolo SE i primi gradini d’una scala la cui parte superiore era di legno.)


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Looking east from portico through doorway of a large triclinium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking east from portico through doorway of a large triclinium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  North wall of large triclinium with large recess, or blocked doorway to corridor. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.

North wall of large triclinium with large recess, or blocked doorway to corridor. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking west from large triclinium, across portico to garden area and summer triclinium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.

Looking west from large triclinium, across portico to garden area and summer triclinium. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Remains of feature of downpipe. Looking north across east side of portico. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.

Remains of feature of downpipe. Looking north across east side of portico. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking east from portico into second room, possibly an oecus. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking east from portico into second room, possibly an oecus. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. East wall of oecus. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. East wall of oecus. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. North wall of oecus, with detail of blocked doorway. Looking north. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. North wall of oecus, with detail of blocked doorway. Looking north. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking west from oecus toward portico and garden area. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Looking west from oecus toward portico and garden area. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Feature in south-east corner of end of portico, looking south. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Feature in south-east corner of end of portico, looking south. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.
Doorway to corridor of rear room suite of four rooms, from south side of portico.  Looking south towards city wall. According to Fiorelli, these would have had various uses.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

Doorway to corridor of rear room suite of four rooms, from south side of portico.

Looking south towards city wall.  According to Fiorelli, these would have had various uses.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Room 1 of four, on west side of corridor, looking west toward rear. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 1 of four, on west side of corridor, looking west toward rear. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.  Room 2 of four, on east side of corridor, looking east towards road. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 2 of four, on east side of corridor, looking east towards road. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Corridor of rear room suite, looking north past doorways to rooms 1 (left)  and 2 (right), and along portico.
Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010.

Corridor of rear room suite, looking north past doorways to rooms 1 (left) and 2 (right), and along portico.

Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 3 of four rear room suite, on west end of corridor. Looking west. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 3 of four rear room suite, on west end of corridor. Looking west. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. South-west corner of part of room 3, looking west. In 2008 PARP:PS identified this as a latrine. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker. See http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2009-146.pdf.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. South-west corner of part of room 3, looking west.

In 2008 PARP:PS identified this as a latrine. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

See http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2009-146.pdf.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 4 of four rear room suite, on east end of corridor. Looking east. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Room 4 of four rear room suite, on east end of corridor. Looking east. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Area at south end of corridor, near city wall. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Area at south end of corridor, near city wall. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Detail of feature mill capstone from room 4. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. September 2010. Detail of feature mill capstone from room 4. Photo courtesy of Drew Baker.


VIII.7.1 Pompeii. September 2005. Looking south-east, from rear of VIII.7.11/12 across garden areas of VIII.7.6 and VIII.7.11.

VIII.7.1 Pompeii. September 2005. Looking south-east, from rear of VIII.7.11/12 across garden areas of VIII.7.6 and VIII.7.11


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking south from VIII.7.11/12 across VIII.7.8

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking south from VIII.7.11/12 across VIII.7.8


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking south from VIII.7.11 across VIII.7.8, and south to Stabian Gate.

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking south from VIII.7.11 across VIII.7.8, and south to Stabian Gate.


Mau’s report: Extracts from Bull. Inst., 1875

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.
See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 163).

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.

See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 163).


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.
See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 164).

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.

See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 164).


VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.
See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 165).

VIII.7.6 Pompeii. 1875. Report, by Mau, of excavations.

See Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1875, (p. 165).



Part 1





The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 30-Jun-2024 19:35