VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017.
Doorway to room 5, on left, the ala on north side of lararium, with marble puteal in doorway. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Puteal in doorway of room 5. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
This travertine puteal would have originally been above the cistern mouth in the atrium.
It is grooved and adorned with a Doric frieze with a cornice and dated back to the Republican age.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. c.1930. Travertine puteal in atrium.
DAIR 32.1228. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut,
Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.
See Pernice, E. 1938. Pavimente und Figürliche Mosaiken:
Die Hellenistische Kunst in Pompeji, Band VI. Berlin: de Gruyter, see taf. 19.3)
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway to room 5, ala on north side of lararium, with marble puteal.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Doorway to room 5, looking east. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 5, ala, east end with masonry podium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 5, ala, east end with masonry podium.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. September 2005. Room 5, ala.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 6, looking north along corridor, leading to east portico. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, corridor, leading to east portico. Looking north.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017.
Room 6, looking south from corridor towards lararium on east side of atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, corridor. Looking east to doorway to room 7, cubiculum.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 7, doorway to cubiculum. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. September 2005. Room 7, cubiculum.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 7, east end of cubiculum.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 6, north wall of corridor. Looking west to doorway to room 8, a triclinium.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009.
Room 6, corridor, leading into east portico. Looking north to second doorway to room 8 in west wall.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 8, triclinium, north wall with large alcove.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 8, looking east across triclinium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 8, looking east across triclinium.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 8, triclinium. South wall, with other doorway to room 6, the corridor.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 9, east portico and garden area. Looking west from triclinium.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. September 2005. Looking west across garden behind tablinum.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 9, garden area, looking west towards rooms 11 and 12.
Room 10, looking north from tablinum towards north garden wall of room 9. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2024. Room 9, detail of north garden wall. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017.
Room 9, looking north-east across garden area towards corner of east portico. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 9, garden area, looking east towards room 8, the triclinium, on right.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 9, looking north in north-east corner of east portico.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 10, tablinum from garden area, looking south through window towards the west wall.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 10, looking north-east towards tablinum, from atrium. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. November 2024.
Room 10, tablinum, looking north from atrium, and through to garden area. Photo courtesy of Annette Haug.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2024.
Room 10, tablinum, looking north from atrium, and through to garden area. Photo courtesy of Klaus Heese.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. September 2005. Room 10, tablinum, looking north from atrium.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 10, tablinum, east wall. Looking north.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 10, tablinum, north wall with window. Looking north.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 10, tablinum, west wall. Looking north.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 10, terracotta puteal in corner of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 10, tablinum. Terracotta Puteal.
VIII.5.37 Pompeii. May 2017. Room 10, terracotta object against east wall of tablinum. Photo courtesy of Buzz Ferebee.