
IX.8.6 Pompeii. Casa del Centenario or House of the Centenary

or Domus A. Rustii Veri e Tiberius Claudi Veri.

Linked to IX.8.3, IX.8.8, IX.8.a and IX.8.c. Excavated 1879, 1881 and 1902.


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IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Atrium of IX.8.3, looking south west across site of Impluvium, towards Rooms 54, 42, 46 and 43.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Atrium of IX.8.3, looking south-west across site of impluvium, towards rooms 54, 42, 46 and 43.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Doorway to Room 53 of IX.8.3.    Looking south.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Doorway to room 53 of IX.8.3. Looking south.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 53 of IX.8.3, south wall.
In the centre of the zoccolo/dado, a square set on edge (like a diamond) can just be made out.
According to Sogliano, on one of the walls of this room was a painting, more or less destroyed and hardly recognisable of Europa and the bull.
See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini, p. 23 no. 82.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 53 of IX.8.3, south wall.

In the centre of the zoccolo/dado, a square set on edge (like a diamond) can just be made out.

According to Sogliano, on one of the walls of this room was a painting, more or less destroyed and hardly recognisable of Europa and the bull.

See Sogliano, A., 1879. Le pitture murali campane scoverte negli anni 1867-79. Napoli: Giannini, p. 23 no. 82.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Looking north west across site of Impluvium in atrium of IX.8.3.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north-west across site of impluvium in atrium of IX.8.3. 


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Room 54, Tablinum of IX.8.3 . ,Looking south towards West Portico of IX.8.6

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 54, tablinum of IX.8.3, looking south towards west portico of IX.8.6.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Room 54, Tablinum of IX.8.3 .   West wall.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 54, west wall of tablinum of IX.8.3.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Room 54, Tablinum of IX.8.3 .   East wall.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 54, east wall of tablinum of IX.8.3.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 54, east wall with small door to room 55, at south end of tablinum of IX.8.3.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 54, east wall with small door to room 55, at south end of tablinum of IX.8.3.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Room 55,  Cubiculum.  Looking north.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, cubiculum. Looking north.


IX.8.6 Pompeii.  December 2007.  Room 55, Cubiculum.  Mosaic floor.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 55, mosaic floor in cubiculum. 


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, looking north across mosaic floor in cubiculum.  The centre white rectangle is a modern replacement for the gorgon mosaic taken to the museum.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, looking north across mosaic floor in cubiculum. 

The centre white rectangle is a modern replacement for the gorgon mosaic taken to the museum.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, mosaic from centre of floor in cubiculum. Largely black and white mosaic with a polychrome gorgons head in a circle in the centre. Mau describes the head as a good job though not really of first quality. Now in Naples Archaeological Museum.  Inventory number 112284. See Mau, BdI 1881 p. 175.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, mosaic from centre of floor in cubiculum.

Largely black and white mosaic with a polychrome gorgons’ head in a circle in the centre.

Mau describes the head as a good job though not really of first quality.

Now in Naples Archaeological Museum. Inventory number 112284.

See Mau, Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica (DAIR), 1881 p. 175.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. c.1930. Room 55, looking north across flooring.
See Blake, M., (1930). The pavements of the Roman Buildings of the Republic and Early Empire. Rome, MAAR, 8, (p. 98 & Pl.14, tav.4).

IX.8.6 Pompeii. c.1930. Room 55, looking north across flooring.

See Blake, M., (1930). The pavements of the Roman Buildings of the Republic and Early Empire. Rome, MAAR, 8, (p. 98 & Pl.14, tav.4).


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, looking north across cubiculum.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 55, looking north across cubiculum. 


IX.8.6 Pompeii.  December 2007.  Room 55, Cubiculum,  Bed recess.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. December 2007. Room 55, bed recess in cubiculum.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009.   Room 56,  Diaeta on the North Portico.  Looking north.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 56, diaeta on the north portico. Looking north.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 56, looking north in diaeta on the north portico. According to Bragantini, the north wall had a window. The dado would have been black with a geometric pattern. On the north wall, in the central panel on a white background was a painted panel with a sacred landscape. The side panels were red. The upper zone of the walls had faded but would have been of painted architecture.
See Bragantini, de Vos, Badoni, 1986. Pitture e Pavimenti di Pompei, Parte 3. Rome: ICCD. (p.522)

IX.8.6 Pompeii. March 2009. Room 56, looking north in diaeta on the north portico. 

According to Bragantini, the north wall had a window.

The dado would have been black with a geometric pattern.

On the north wall, in the central panel on a white background was a painted panel with a sacred landscape.

The side panels were red.

The upper zone of the walls had faded but would have been of painted architecture.

See Bragantini, de Vos, Badoni, 1986. Pitture e Pavimenti di Pompei, Parte 3. Rome: ICCD. (p.522)


IX.8.6 Pompeii. W.380. Room 56, sacred landscape from centre of north wall.
Photo by Tatiana Warscher. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. W.380. Room 56, sacred landscape from centre of north wall.

Photo by Tatiana Warscher. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.


IX.8.6 Pompeii. 19th October 1885. Room 56, sacred landscape from centre of north wall.
DAIR 83.367. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.

IX.8.6 Pompeii. 19th October 1885. Room 56, sacred landscape from centre of north wall.

DAIR 83.367. Photo © Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Rom, Arkiv.



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Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 27-Apr-2021 11:03